Please view the information below for a list of the board trustees governing Public Prep Academies and Public Prep Network.
For information about our public board meetings, please scroll down to the “Public Prep Academies Board Notices” section.
The amended Freedom of Information Law gives you the right to access many public records. More information can be found on New York State Committee on Open Government website. Please see Public Prep’s procedures below.
Records can be seen and copied at:
192 East 151st Street, 5th Fl
Bronx, NY 10451
The following people will help you to access the records.
(1) maintaining a current and reasonably detailed list by subject matter of all records in the possession of the Network, whether or not available under POL § 87 (2);
(a) the subject matter list shall be sufficiently detailed to permit identification of the category of the record sought; and
(b) the subject matter list shall be updated not less than twice each year;
(2) assisting the requester in identifying requested records, if necessary;
(3) locating the records and making a determination as to whether access will be granted in whole or in part; and
(a) making available for inspection those records that are required to be produced by law subject to redactions appropriate under law; or
(b) denying access to the records in whole or in part, with a written explanation.
(4) The records access officer may make available a copy of a requested record upon payment or the offer to pay established fees, in accordance with section 6, below.
(5) Upon request, the records access officer will certify that a record is a true copy, or obtain such certification.
(6) Upon failure to locate records, the records access officer will certify that:
(a) the Network is not the custodian for such records; or
(b) the records of which the Network is a custodian could not be found after a diligent search.
Location of records: Public records may be made available for inspection at The Public Preparatory Network office
Hours for public inspection: Written requests for public access to records shall be accepted and records produced during the Network’s regular business hours, which are: 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding school and legal holidays.
1. A written request for records is required.
2. Every request for records that is received by any Network employee must immediately be forwarded to the records access officer for the latter’s response. Network personnel other than the Records Access Officer are not authorized to respond to requests for records under FOIL, whether orally or in writing.
3. A request must reasonably describe each record being requested. Whenever possible, a person requesting records should provide information, including the date of the records, which will identify the records being requested.
4. Pursuant to POL section 89.3, within five (5) business days of receipt of a FOIL request, the records access officer will respond to that request, provided it has reasonably and with particularity described the record being sought as follows:
(1) if the request will be granted in whole or in part, a statement to that effect including, if practicable, a copy of the requested record; or
(2) if the request will be denied, a written explanation of the reason for denial; or
5. if a decision regarding the request has not yet been made, an acknowledgment of the request and a statement of the approximate date when it is anticipated that the request will be decided, which date shall be reasonable under the circumstances of the request, and, where appropriate, a statement that the request will be determined in accordance with subdivision 89(5) of the POL (trade secret and critical infrastructure information).
6. If the Network determines to grant a request in whole or in part, and if circumstances prevent disclosure within twenty (20) business days from the acknowledgement of the receipt of the request, the letter from the Network shall state a) the reason for the inability to grant the request within twenty (20) business days, AND b) a date certain within which the request will be granted in whole or in part.
(POL § 89 (3) as amended by Ch. 22 of L. 2005).
1. Denial of access to records shall be in writing, shall state the reason and shall advise the requester of the right to appeal. Any person denied access to a record may make an appeal in writing to the Network within thirty (30) days of receipt of denial of access.
2. If a response to a request for records is not made in a timely manner, as required by section 4(D) of these procedures, pursuant to the POL, such lack of response shall constitute a denial of access.
3. The State University of New York Charter Networks Institute, located at the address below, has been designated to receive and determine appeals regarding denial of access to Network records under FOIL:
SUNY Charter Schools Institute
SUNY Plaza
353 Broadway
Albany, NY 12246
4. The time period within which the records access appeals officer must decide an appeal shall commence upon receipt of a written appeal specifying:
(1) the records to which the requester was denied access
(2) whether the denial of access was in writing or due to failure to provide records promptly as required by section 4(D); and
(3) the name and return address of the requester.
5. Pursuant to POL § 89.4, the records access appeals officer shall:(1) fully explain in writing the reasons for further denial or provide access to the records to the requester within ten (10) business days of receipt of the appeal; and(2) cause to be transmitted to the Committee on Open Government a copy of each appeal received. The Committee on Open Government, which is a division of the New York State Department of State, is located at 41 State Street Albany, New York 12231.
6. The records access appeals officer shall inform in writing the appellant and the Committee on Open Government of his or her determination.
A notice containing the name and address of the records access officer and the name and address of the records appeals officer, along with the location where records can be seen or copied, will be posted in a conspicuous location where Network records are stored.
The amended Freedom of Information Law gives you the right to access many public records.
Records can be seen and copied at:
192 East 151st Street, 5th FL
Bronx, NY 10451
The following people will help you to access the records.
If you are denied access to a record, you may appeal to the following (person/body): Andrew Group.
(Note – per SUNY guidance we also need to post all of the information that is listed after Page 1)
Our plans are designed with guidance from the New York State Education Department, the Center for Disease Control, and New York City Department of Health. We will respond to changes in public health conditions and any new government guidelines or recommendations. We will only open our schools when state determined thresholds are met and we have confidence a safe environment can be created. This is a live document and is subject to change.
Information for the upcoming 2024-2025 board meetings including instructions on how to join are below:
Board meeting TBA
For any individual who would like to participate in public comment, please read the following information and steps with care:
Please note: If you no longer intend to participate in public comment during a scheduled board meeting, please send an email to at least 24 – 48 hours (1-2 business days) in advance of the meeting date. You will receive an email confirming you no longer wish to partake in public comment.
Also note: You will still be able to join the public meeting even if you no longer want to participate in public comment.
Please read the following below for more information on Public Comment Guidelines and Procedures:
Thank you for your cooperation!
*Please find the Public Prep Academies Board Meeting Notices above for more information on meeting dates and times.
Updated as of 4/6/22